Blog #2 Spreadable Media

Although Jenkin’s blog contained many valuable and interesting facts, the one that stood out to me most was the section on our modern day video search engine, YouTube. I personally enjoy how Jenkins is taking something so common, so agreeable , and breaking it down to something that is now able to be analyzed. Youtube is unique because it’s not only a hub for funny videos of dogs dancing or Beyonce’s super bowl Performance. You can search anything and everything, whether it be how to graph a circle or how to perform CPR properly.

Spreadable Media is interesting because its so easily accessed, Take youtube for example. ANYONE can have a youtube account. And there will always be an audience for the specific account or video. There is no limitation to what is posted. Audience to me plays a huge role in how media is spread and perceived. Because there is no limitation to who the audience may be, there is no limitation to what is posted or viewed. Youtube does have “rules” but yet this website is one of the biggest media hubs today.

Youtube has become a business. People have become “youtube famous”. They get paid just to post a video of them being funny, or them supporting a brand name. One example I like to use is a Youtube star named Miranda. She wears red lipstick and talks funny and uses her eyebrows to gesture. On a behind the scenes MTV series, she states how people have fallen in love with her character Miranda. In which is just her with some lipstick on. And she goes on to tell the viewer how she makes 3.5 million dollars a year with this channel. Although it puts strain on her real life and relationships, if her video views drop below a certain percentage, she loses her money.

Jenkins bringing up Youtube and the spread ability of it, really resonates with me being a college student. I use YouTube frequently and its accessibility and wide range of topics makes it easy and appealing.

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